To embed a video on your own website, first open the file in MediaLab, then go to File > Embed to find the embed codes.
Embedding a full player
If you want to embed our MediaLab player on your website, select the first embed code labeled "Iframe with video player". You can simply copy/paste this code in your own website. If you want to change the width and/or height of the player on your website, look for the two variables called "width" and "height". You can increase/decrease these values to change the size of the player.
Using your own player
If you prefer a self-hosted or custom player, you can use the the "MP4 file" and "Thumbnail" links to load the video and preview files from MediaLab in your own player.
Embed a video on Facebook
Using the theater link, you can embed a video or audio player on your Facebook timeline. For more information, see "How can I share a file on Facebook / Twitter?"